• Poly-Curious? Open Relationships 101

    Reid Mihalko

    Curious about this "lovestyle" you're hearing a lot about called polyamory? Opening up any relationship takes skill, patience and perseverance. Mistakes will be made. But why make any more than you have to? Join sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko for an interactive workshop full of tips and tricks and Q&A!

  • Making Open Relationships Work

    Tristan Taormino

    How do people create nontraditional partnerships that are loving and satisfying? In this class, Tristan Taormino will share some of the key principles that can help your open relationship(s) succeed. She'll discuss common issues and problems — from "new relationship energy" and time management to jealousy, power dynamics, and agreement violations — and…

  • Events

    Beyond Monogamy

    Thursday, November 29th — 7:30 p.m. — $20 A growing number of people are exploring alternatives to monogamy, through swinging, polyamory, and other types of open relationships. If you or someone you know are one of those people, this might be the workshop for you! Whether you are curious about opening up, already…

  • Events

    Poly-Curious 101

    Wednesday, November 15th — 7:30 pm — $20 Curious about this new “lovestyle” you’re hearing a lot about called polyamory? Maybe you’ve read all the books but want to talk to folks actually living and loving the poly lifestyle. Opening up any relationship takes skill, patience and perseverance. Mistakes will be made. But…

  • Events

    Beyond Monogamy

    Thursday, May 4th — 7:30 p.m. — $20 A growing number of people are exploring alternatives to monogamy, through swinging, polyamory, and other types of open relationships. If you or someone you know are one of those people, this might be the workshop for you! Whether you are curious about opening up, already…

  • Events

    Redefining Success When Polyamorous Relationships End

    Dr. Elisabeth Sheff

    Sunday October 23rd — 7:30 pm — $15 Although most families have divorced members in their kinship networks, conventional wisdom still defines a marriage or long-term relationship that ends in any other outcome besides death as a failure. These cultural norms define “successful” relationships as monogamous and permanent in that the two people involved…