Oxytocin, The Love Drug: Cultivating Biochemical Bliss in Birth, Orgasm, & Intimacy
Wednesday, January 14th — 7:30 pm — $20
The environmental, emotional, and physical factors that create the circumstances in which a person can surrender their ego and intellectual identity to enjoy an ecstatic orgasm also facilitate ecstatic empowered natural birth. The release of intellectual and ego identity, feelings of safety, intimacy, and surrender are crucial to healthy and complete release of the neuropeptide and hormone oxytocin. Relaxation, rhythm, and ritual all help stimulate it as well.
The act of giving birth naturally is the height of the human body’s ability to release ecstasy inducing levels of the “love hormone” oxytocin. Orgasm is a step below birth on the spectrum of human experiences that release this amazing hormone, and the step below orgasm is nipple stimulation.
In this class, full spectrum doula Samantha Zipporah will offer a lecture and experiential exercises exploring the human mind, body, and spirit during the release of oxytocin. Her intention is to empower the community in deepening their understanding of the physiology of intimacy, connection, surrender, and ecstatic embodiment. Participants will leave with practical tips to support oxytocin release throughout the human experience, including but not limited to birth and sexuality.
Samantha Zipporah is a full spectrum doula, sexual health educator, and activist. She believes the mind, body, and spirit connection deserve reverence and respect. Sam finds great inspiration from the places that science and spirituality fortify one another. She has been attending birth since 2006, and studied midwifery with luminary Elizabeth Davis who literally wrote the book on Orgasmic Birth. Sam has been supporting peers with fertility and pregnancy experiences for over a decade in personal, professional, and clinical contexts. Her approach is grounded by a solid understanding of biochemistry and biology, and is nourished by playfulness, sass, and reverent spirituality. Friends have joked that her business tagline should be, “If anything’s going in or out of a cervix, call Sam.”
This class has already taken place. Thanks for attending!