iPhone apps to improve your life!
It seems like there’s an app for everything these days, but sometimes that can be a good thing when the app serves a useful purpose! That’s why these two really cool — and functional — iPhone apps caught our eye.
We wrote about how doing kegels can help improve your sex life, but sometimes it can be hard to remember to do them. So we appreciate Kegel Camp (amazing name!), an app that helps you get into the daily groove of exercising your PC muscles. It’s $1.99 and will lead you with voice cues through a whopping 20 levels, beginning with slower and fewer repetitions and building to more challenging exercises. Our favorite feature is that you can set a daily alert so you’ll never forget to get in your kegels!
Another really great app we found is called TranSquat. TranSquat is $2.99 and uses your phone’s current GPS location to help you find gender neutral bathrooms in your vicinity. We couldn’t help but notice that the screenshot of the app in action shows locations in Portland (and places we heart, like the Q Center and In Other Words!). TranSquat is powered by data from safe2pee, a nationwide gender neutral bathroom directory, but app users can add new locations, along with directions, comments, and even photos. That’s pretty amazing.
Do you know of other apps that make your life — sex and otherwise — easier? What’s your favorite? Tell us in the comments!