How to pick out porn
Finding the porn DVD or video that can turn you on, give you new ideas, or help get you off is not always an easy task. After all, the world is full of many different types of porn — and it’s not all created equal.
In The Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn, author Violet Blue suggests “creating a picture of what you hope to find in your porn, just as you’d order a meal in a restaurant.” So, start by asking yourself (and your partner, if you’re watching together) what sounds appetizing, and go from there. Want to see women in charge? A real life amateur couple who remind you of you and your sweetie? Anal sex? Whatever moods you might be feeling, jot them down. Then make a second list of things you don’t want to see. Do you get turned off by facial ejaculation? Distracted by vintage fashion or hairstyles? Not a fan of movies that have plots or try to be funny? Take note. This will help you narrow down your choices.
You can also ask yourself what style of film you like in general. Do you prefer movies with big budgets, set designs, and special effects? Maybe you would want to check out a film like Pirates. If you’re into documentaries or educational films, try watching an instructional porn film. Do you usually pick movies from the LGBT section on Netflix? Try one of the films from the queer porn section on our website!
Just like at a restaurant, if you don’t exactly know what you’re in the mood for, you can at least start by ignoring the things you don’t like. If you don’t eat meat, you would likely ignore the section of menu labeled “surf and turf” and search for menu items suitable for a vegetarian. The same idea can be used for pornography. For example, if what you’re hoping to avoid are the things you have seen in mainstream adult movies over and over again, try a different genre! Consult Erika Lust’s guide book Good Porn and then pick out some women-directed or indie adult films for a better fit.
If you’re still overwhelmed by choices, use your eyeballs. If you’re in a store or online ordering DVDs, pay attention to what’s on the cover. We’re visual creatures, especially when seeking porn, so pay attention to that first impression you get from the DVD box or picture on the computer screen. If you think the people on the cover are all hot babes or you are drawn to the filmmaker’s aesthetic, that can be a good sign! If you’re turned off by the images on the front, skip that film. It may be true that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but DVD covers and porn thumbnails aren’t books. It’s okay to base your porn selection on what is visually appealing to you.
Still undecided? You can always consult recommendations and reviews. Figure out which films have won awards or get positive reviews online. This is often how people choose which movie to go see in theaters, right? It may work for finding yourself some incredible porn too! Some of the DVDs we carry that have won industry awards are:
- Erika Lust’s X Confessions Series (director spotlight)
- The Opening of Misty Beethoven
- Crash Pad Series Volume 1 (director spotlight)
- Fallen
- Doing it Ourselves: The Trans Women Porn Project
- Tristan Taormino’s Rough Sex Series (director spotlight)
- Courtney Trouble’s Lesbian Curves Series (director spotlight)
Whatever you end up deciding, go into watching with an open mind, a bottle of lube, and a fully charged sex toy! Even if every scene doesn’t do it for you, exploring pornography can expand your horizons, increase libido, and help you discover and share kinks safely. Whether you love a movie and want to watch it again and again, or you turn it off after the first two minutes, getting in touch with what turns you on and sparking conversations with partners about their desires and fantasies is always a win.