How to Have “The Talk”: Talking to Your Kids About Sex
Wednesday, July 24th — 7:30 pm. — $15
Images and information about sex and sexuality are available at the click of a button or a simple Google search. Caregivers and parents often want to avoid talking to their children about sex, or make the grave mistake of assuming their tween or teen “isn’t interested in that stuff yet.” Exposure to graphic images and information, for better or worse, happen at a very young age and it is naïve and dangerous to ignore this fact.
This workshop will explore participant (dis)comfort levels in regards to topics about sexuality, cover what is age-appropriate information to share with your child at each stage in their development, and provide participants with some easy conversation starters. Participants will leave this workshop with more confidence on how to begin conversations with their children about sexuality and how to maintain an open line of communication so their kids always feel safe coming to them with questions.
Virginia Martin has worked as an educator, activist and advocate for women and sexual and gender minorities for 15 years. She has a special place in her heart for non-profits. She has worked for Planned Parenthood, The Sexual Assault Resource Center, The Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center, and Human Dignity Coalition. Additionally, Virginia worked for 8 years as the Education Coordinator for It’s My Pleasure, Portland’s first feminist, woman-owned sexuality shop. Virginia is currently finishing up her Master’s degree in Women’s Studies and Counselor Education. She received a BA in Women’s Studies & Human Sexuality from Portland State University.