Cyndi Lauper to open home for LGBT youth
Cyndi Lauper, the spunky ’80s icon who inspired the name of our shop with her masturbation-embracing ditty, “She Bop,” has a fantastic plan in the works: she’s opening a housing facility for LGBT youth in New York.
The True Colors Residence will consist of 30 energy-efficient studio apartments and several community spaces. The home will be more than just a roof over the residents’ heads — while living at True Colors, residents will also be assisted with employment and offered a range of social and educational support services.
True Colors Residence will be the first ever permanent housing facility for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in the state of New York. A large percentage of homeless youth identify as LGBT.
Lauper’s goal is simple, yet poignant:
Our primary goal is to provide a physically and emotionally safe and supportive environment that will empower our young residents to be the self-loving, happy, and successful individuals they were meant to be.
Lauper is also the creator of the Give a Damn campaign, which works to educate people about the inequalities and discrimination that LGBT folks face.