Basic Rope Bondage for Sex
Thursday, March 15th — 7:30 p.m. — $20
Do you have the desire to tie someone up and have your way with them? Come to this workshop and learn the basics of rope bondage for sex and pleasure. This hands-on class will give you techniques and positions to bring to the bedroom, kitchen, living room or dungeon! This workshop will also address issues around consent and safety. Wear comfortable clothes and come ready to get down to it. Bring a soft mat or blanket to practice on. If you have rope bring it, but some will also be available for participants. Come with or without a partner. All genders and sexual orientations are welcome.
Venae is thrilled to turn you on and tune you in to new and exciting ways to pleasure yourself and others. A Northwest native, Venae travels the country teaching and learning about sex, kink, and energetic health and well being.
This workshop is open to all genders and sexual appetites!
This class has already taken place. Thanks for attending!