Healthy Hookups
Wednesday, March 18th — 7:30 p.m. — $25
An encounter can be brief, while still respectful and meaningful. This class will help you figure out if hookups are for you, and if so, how to get what you want from a casual sex scenario! You can’t get what you want if you don’t know what you want, so we’ll explore motivations for casual sex and how to get your needs met in a casual rendezvous. As not all “hookups” are the same, we’ll talk about both one-time scenarios and how to build an ongoing friends-with-benefits relationship. We’ll discuss negotiation tools, safety, and how to meet people interested in the same things you are — without game playing or ghosting.
Stella Harris is a Certified Intimacy Educator and Sex Coach who uses a variety of tools to guide and empower her clients. She teaches everything from pleasure anatomy to communication skills to kink and BDSM. Stella teaches at venues and conferences across the country (and Canada!) while maintaining a private practice in her adopted hometown of Portland, Oregon. Stella’s first book, Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships was published by Cleis Press in 2018 and she’s currently working on a new book for Cleis, all about threesomes. Learn more on her website or follow her on Instagram.
Limited space available — sign up online!
We’re offering 2 free class spots to folks with financial need; please fill out this form if you are interested. Two people will be chosen randomly and contacted at least 2 weeks prior to class to confirm.