Ducky DooLittle

Hips, Lips & Fingertips: Inspiring Ways to Take Your Guy Over the Edge with Ducky DooLittle

Ducky DooLittleWednesday, October 9th — 7:30 p.m. — $20 — Q Center (3 blocks north of She Bop at 4115 N. Mississippi)

You’re loaded with assets. Join sex icon Ducky DooLittle and explore ways to make the most of what you got, from your hips — to your lips — to your fingertips! We are talking blowjobs, handjobs, sex positions and so much more!

Expect to learn things guys don’t even know about their own bodies, the truth about his pleasure anatomy, including his hottest spots and how to stimulate them, tips and techniques that will have him melting in your mouth and in your hands, sex secrets and desires guys are too shy to tell you, how to define what makes you sexy in his eyes, how to amp up your sex appeal, and fresh communication techniques that will have him eagerly asking how he can please you in return.

With more than 20 years of sexual research behind her, Ducky has proven men are sexually deeper and far more beautiful than the world gives them credit for. She’ll teach you how to see beyond the superficial and really connect with your guy. This class is super fun and loaded with tips and techniques that will blow his mind. So sit down, prepare to be titillated and have a great time.

Ducky DooLittle is a sex educator and author from New York City. She is the author of Sex With the Lights On. She has appeared in the New York Times, HBO’s Real Sex, The Morning Show, MTV, NPR, The Howard Stern Show, and Playboy TV, to name a few.

This class has already taken place. Thanks for attending!